156 Hamilton St., Leominster, MA

Don't Fear the 'Last Minute' Home Showing! Here's How You Can Impress Potential BuyersThe idea of impressing potential buyers can be a matter rife with stress, but there are a few things you can do before a viewing to ensure your home is seen in the best light. If you’ve recently put your house on the market and you’re looking for some fast and easy fix-ups, here are a handful of ways you can be sure to create a positive first impression.

It’s All About the Smell

It may seem like purchasing a home is all about appearance, but you shouldn’t underestimate the power of scent when it comes to the overall impact of your home viewing. Instead of leaving this invisible factor up to chance, consider giving the house a quick light spray with a pleasant scent or even baking something that will be sure to remind potential buyers of the familiar comforts of home. Make sure you dont over do it though, having too much sent may make potential buyers uncomfortable or even sick.

Take Away the Family Portraits

While it won’t be necessary to clear away everything of personal value, a large number of photographs in the home can actually remind potential homebuyers that it’s not their home and may make them feel like they’re a visitor in a place they want to live. By removing the photos that adorn the fridge and the side tables, you can eliminate distractions for potential homebuyers and keep them focused on what the home might come to mean for them.

Clear Away Any Clutter

This might seem like the most common sense of points, but it’s very important that your house is clean so that viewers can see your home in its best light and will easily be able to imagine themselves living in it. While it’s important for giving your house the best possible presentation, it will also make your house look more spacious than it would with a lot of unkempt clutter.

Highlight Your Favorite Features

With potential homebuyers viewing a lot of different houses, having a few key features in your home that will help it stand out from the pack can be a definite benefit. Whether you have a fabulous Jacuzzi in the master bathroom or unique kitchen tiles that you installed yourself, ensuring that these features are noticed, and even accentuated, may help your home stick in the mind of its viewers.

Showing your home can be a stressful matter, but a few quick tips can ensure success with potential buyers. If you’re curious about other ways to impress viewers of your home, you may want to contact your trusted real estate professional for some valuable insights.